UA Little Rock and Oden Maddox Elementary School are pleased to announce the launch of STEM+C2, a federal project funded by the US Department of Education. STEM+C2 is a collaboration among the Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP), The Pennsylvania State University, and UA Little Rock with selected Arkansas schools.
STEM+C2 develops STEM talent and identifies promising students in Grades 2 and 3 through
engineering and computer science as the foundation. Oden Maddox Elementary School was one of 20 elementary schools in the state selected to participate in STEM+C2.
This innovative program encourages young children to “think like engineers and computer scientists” in order to develop problem-solving skills integral to the STEM fields. A key feature of the curriculum is the use of biography to foster interest in computer science as a creative pathway to 21st century knowledge and skills. STEM+C2 instills teachers with confidence and enthusiasm to integrate STEM into school subjects, to engage students in hands-on and minds-on learning experiences, and to develop student academic talents. This program gives teachers opportunities to observe students’ potential in non-routine curriculum and empowers teachers to use best practices for developing students’
potential and identifying more students from underserved populations for gifted programming.
STEM+C2 is one of only 10 projects nationwide funded by the Jacob K. Javits Program for Gifted and
Talented Students to develop new models for serving young children and their teachers.
Ode Maddox Elementary School will be key to the understanding of how STEM talents develop in young children and how schools can engage students in exciting and creative high-level learning.