ORSD Community: Please download our ORSD app, if you have not already done so. We will use the app, District Facebook page, and website for communication with you. Once you have downloaded the app, you can adjust the settings to receive push notifications. This works much like text message notifications. See attached photos. Thank you for your continued support of our students and staff.
almost 5 years ago, Shannon Lyle
push notifications
ORSD application picture
ORSD Family, ORSD is open tomorrow, but it is optional for students. If you have not received your AMI packet through day 10, they may be picked up in the offices Monday before 4:30 pm. The Governor has closed Arkansas Schools Tuesday March 17th until March 30th. Jerry Strasner
almost 5 years ago, Jerrall Strasner
ORSD ANNOUNCEMENT: NO CLOSINGS TO ANNOUNCE AT THIS TIME. In preparation for the possibility of a school closing teachers at ORSD have prepared Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) packets for students. Please consider the following: Oden Schools: AMI paper packets have been created for all grade levels. Should a closing occur, staff will be available at the Oden School office to distribute the AMI paper packets to parents/students. Acorn Elementary School: AMI paper packets have been created and placed in your student's backpack. Should the need arise for their use, a message will be shared via our school website and Facebook page. Acorn High School: AMI paper packets have been created. These assignments are also available to students online in Google Classroom. Should a closing occur, staff will be available at the Acorn High School office to distribute the AMI paper packets to parents/students.
almost 5 years ago, Shannon Lyle
Congrats to our Spring Boom Fair winners. Kylee Parnell, Kaiden Rosson & Ashlynn Davis 📚
almost 5 years ago, Kimberly Posey
Book fair
Arkansas Activities Association has suspended all spring sports and activities from March 15th to March 30th in response to the COVID-19 situation. The AAA will reassess and give further guidance after this time is completed.
almost 5 years ago, Jerrall Strasner
ORSD Family, We are also working with the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education. They are currently advising and restricting staff training's, events, and travel out of state. As DESE gives further guidance we will certainly communicate any changes to our routines.
almost 5 years ago, Jerrall Strasner
ORSD Family, We are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak. We are currently taking the necessary precautions with extra cleanings, hand washings, and disinfecting. We are working with the Arkansas Health Department for our next steps. We will keep you posted.
almost 5 years ago, Jerrall Strasner
COVID-19 Communication from ORSD
almost 5 years ago, Jerrall Strasner
ORSD COVID-19 Communication
ORSD COVID-19 Communication
The Scholastic Book Fair has arrived! Be sure to stop by Acorn Elementary Library to shop. All purchases benefit our school. Family Night is Thursday, March 12th from 3:30-7:30, come by with your child and enter our drawing for free books and prizes!
almost 5 years ago, Kimberly Posey
jungle theme
ORSD Softball Fans Get Ready!!! Weather permitting, the softball team will kick off their season tomorrow. They are playing a home game vs.—Providence Academy at 4:30 p.m. Please come out and support these girls!! We are hoping for a phenomenal season this year.
almost 5 years ago, Corryn Holland
Ode Maddox Elementary students learn about Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) at Oden Parent Night.
almost 5 years ago, William Edwards
CWD Presentation
Oden PreK, K, and 1st learn about Turkeys at Parent Night. Thank Arkansas Game and Fish for the fun event.
almost 5 years ago, William Edwards
AGFC Turkey Talk
The softball game scheduled for today has been cancelled.
almost 5 years ago, Shannon Lyle
The track meet at Mena has been cancelled for today.
almost 5 years ago, Shannon Lyle
Oden Preschool -6th grade, Tonight is our parent night! The game and fish will be here to teach about turkeys, deer and wild hogs. We will first meet in the cafeteria and then divide into station groups. It starts at 5:00 and will conclude at 6:30. See you there!
almost 5 years ago, Elicia Bergum
Read Across America was huge success last week. We celebrated our love of reading! Mrs. Gustafson’s class won the reading challenge and earned the most AR points. 303 points in one week! Their reward was having Mrs. Lane as a student in their class for the day!
almost 5 years ago, Kimberly Posey
2nd grade
Congratulations to Brody Webb for taking 3rd place in the Boys Division at the State Archery Tournament. He received a $1,500 scholarship! Way to go Brody - proud of you!!!
almost 5 years ago, Valerie Couch
Brody Webb
Congratulations to Jacob Moore for taking 1st place at the State Archery Tournament in the boys division. He received a $2,500 scholarship and a bow!!! Way to go Jacob - so proud of you!!!
almost 5 years ago, Valerie Couch
Jacob Moore
Acorn Archery Team placed 5th at the State Tournament today.
almost 5 years ago, Valerie Couch
Acorn High School Archery team - 5th place
Acorn Archery Team shot a 3282. Sitting in 2nd place right now with one more flight to go. Hoping it holds.
almost 5 years ago, Valerie Couch
Acorn High School Archery Team