Congratulations to Acorn Middle School Archery Team for winning 3rd place at Regionals yesterday!
almost 5 years ago, Valerie Couch
Acorn Jr. High District Tournament Schedule
about 5 years ago, Chris Ledbetter
Acorn Jr. High District Tournament Schedule
Acorn Jr. High District Tournament Schedule
about 5 years ago, Chris Ledbetter
Acorn Jr. High District Tournament Schedule
~Acorn Elementary AR Point Club~
about 5 years ago, Kimberly Posey
~Acorn Elementary AR Point Club~
~Acorn Elementary AR Point Club~
~Acorn Elementary AR Point Club~
~Acorn Elementary AR Point Club~
~Acorn Elementary AR Point Club~ Check our Facebook page to see all the amazing readers at AES!
about 5 years ago, Kimberly Posey
Point Club
Point Club
Point Club
Point Club
The SENIOR ATHLETES and their parents are being fed after the Sr. Girls game tonight vs. Mount Ida. The food will be served in the hospitality room. It is senior night, and the games begin at 5:30 p.m. Come support all your senior athletes!!
about 5 years ago, Corryn Holland
After extensive auditions the cast was chosen for the Choir's new musical The Nifty Fifties. So excited to share their picture with you! We will be performing April 24th, 25th and May 1st. Mark your calendars now - you won't want to miss it!
about 5 years ago, Valerie Couch
4th hour choir class - main cast
5th hour choir class - main cast
4th hour choir class - extra cast
Thur. Feb., 6th is a big day on the Acorn Campus. This day marks the last home game for the seniors and the basketball season. This night celebrates all of the senior athletes. The senior walk will be after the girl's game, and JBs play first starting at 5:30 p.m vs. Mount Ida.
about 5 years ago, Corryn Holland
On Saturday, Acorn FCCLA with the help of Acorn FCS hosted a Senior Prom at Peach Tree Assisted Living Facility. A great time was had by all. The students are looking forward to their regular game night in March.
about 5 years ago, Mindy Lyle
Peach Tree Senior Prom
Senior Prom
On Friday the Acorn 3-4 Quiz Bowl team competed at the Mena Quiz Bowl Invitational at the University of Arkansas Rich Mountain. This was the first Quiz Bowl for the majority of these students, but they were very tough competition. Congratulations on a job well done!
about 5 years ago, Lisa Daniels
The Acorn Cheerleaders are selling Crushes as Valentine's Day fundraiser. They are one dollar each. The deadline to order is Feb. 13. To order see Miss Staggs or any other cheerleader. The proceeds go to the Acorn Cheer Squad, and they will be delivered Feb. 14.
about 5 years ago, Corryn Holland
Attention Acorn! Today is the last day to order your 2020 Yearbook!!! Go online to and type in Acorn High School then click on the 2020 Yearbook tab. Yearbooks are $50 and will be delivered to the school sometime in April! If you need assistance you can call, text or email Glynda Pearce @ 479-234-0614 or
about 5 years ago, Glynda Pearce
**Attention Acorn February ACT students** Acorn students who are taking the ACT in February don't forget to stop by Mrs. McGee's and get a calculator and new batteries. Thank you.
about 5 years ago, Corryn Holland
Basketball Pictures from 01/28/2020 JB @ Foreman
about 5 years ago, Corryn Holland
I got it
Go up strong
~ATTENTION ACORN ATHLETES~ Acorn athletic picture retakes are taking place on Monday, Feb. 3, during the third hour. ALL athletes need to make sure to bring their uniforms. ALL athletic team pictures are being retaken, so make sure to bring your uniforms. Thank you.
about 5 years ago, Corryn Holland
Mr. Tedder came to Mrs. Tedder’s class today to talk to the kids about computer programming and coding. He showed the kids some basic video game codes. After that he brought out his guitar and shared with the class some of his amazing guitar skills.
about 5 years ago, Jerusha Tedder
Guitar skills
~Acorn Elementary Point Club~ January 31st
about 5 years ago, Kimberly Posey
Point Club
Point Club
Point Club
Point Club
Acorn Entrepreneurship will be selling Tiger merchandise at tonight's home game. Just look for our mobile cart in the gym.🐅🐅
about 5 years ago, Mindy Lyle
Mobile Tiger Merch Cart
Celebrating January Birthdays at Oden Elementary!!!! 🥳 *A special thanks to Neal and Tina Thomas for purchasing the Birthday Cake!
about 5 years ago, Whitney Starr
~Acorn Elementary Point Club~ January 24th
about 5 years ago, Kimberly Posey
Point Club
Point Club
Point Club