October 27, 2020
Homecoming Queen Ashlynn Bissell Escorted by Jake Lyle
Reigning 2019 Homecoming Queen Brickie Sachs Escorted by: Damian Bohlman
Maid of Honor, Corryn Holland Escort...
October 17, 2020
Door Decorating Contest:
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are not able to have a pep rally for Homecoming, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still show our school spirit! In pla...
September 29, 2020
Congratulations to the 2020-2021 Homecoming Court!!!!
(L to R): Homecoming Queen, Ashlynn Bissell, Maid of Honor, Corryn Holland, Senior Maids: Haley Blair and Kim Strasner...
September 15, 2020
2020 Acorn Cross Country Schedule
Sept. 8 th Tuesday @ Magazine @ 4:00pm All Teams Run 1.5
Sept. 15 th Tuesday @ Acorn ...
September 14, 2020
Registration begins September 14 for any 3rd-6th grader who wants to play peewee basketball this year and it will end Friday, September 18. Please fill out the form found at the l...
August 15, 2020
UA Little Rock and Oden Maddox Elementary School are pleased to announce the launch of STEM+C2, a federal project funded by the US Department of Education. STEM+C2 is a collaborat...
June 5, 2020
Due to COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions placed on gatherings the Acorn High School Academic Awards Ceremony was cancelled. Please enjoy Mr. Taylor's virtual version which...
June 5, 2020
The educational journey is a large part of each person's life. The high school graduation celebration is a time of reflection for the challenges and moments of perseverance demo...
May 22, 2020
Please enjoy the Graduation Video created by Makenna Goss. Congratulations, Class of 2020! We love you!
May 15, 2020
Mrs. Kim Larucci would like to congratulate all of the Acorn Preschool Graduates of 2020. Please enjoy the video created by Jennifer Mabry!
May 15, 2020
Looking for owners!
These items have been left on the Oden Campus.
Please schedule a time to pick up at the office from 8 am - 3 pm Monday through Friday.
May 12, 2020
Oden Class of 2020 Senior Slideshow Please click on the link above for the Oden Senior Slideshow. This week ORSD will begin Senior Tributes. Senior spotlights will be share...
April 29, 2020
2020 Acorn Yearbook Dedication
The Acorn High School Yearbook staff is proud to dedicate Volume 73 to two women who have made extraordinary impacts on the students of t...
April 22, 2020
For I mmediate Release
April 22, 2020
Acorn High School S...
April 9, 2020
Dear Ode Maddox Elementary Parent/Guardian,
This year I visited your child's classroom with nutrition programs and school garden lessons.
Please let me know how these prog...
April 9, 2020
The Ouachita River School District is now accepting applications for students wishing to participate in the School Choice Program. School Choice is the program authorized by the A...
April 6, 2020
OUACHITA RIVER SCHOOLS WEEKLY FOOD BOX PICK UP TIMES: Monday, April 6th ORSD will be distributing a weekly food box to families who have signed up. Pick up times are as fo...